HYIP-Man: March 2020
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
1 BTC equals 6435 USD

As of March 31, 2020 at 10:50PM, 1 BTC equals 6435 USD.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id feugiat dolor. Phasellus ultricies viverra erat, sit amet blandit nibh pretium ac. Suspendisse rutrum sem in metus ultricies, sit amet dignissim sem molestie. Ut a dolor a magna lacinia commodo ac in neque. Nulla sit amet lectus nisi. Aliquam placerat ultrices diam. Nunc rhoncus ex sed lectus laoreet efficitur. Donec dapibus ex vel vehicula fringilla. Quisque hendrerit dui feugiat bibendum finibus. Aenean aliquet lectus vel ex auctor, ut placerat felis maximus. Nullam scelerisque lobortis ligula. Duis erat nulla, vehicula at enim sit amet, pellentesque mattis eros. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam consectetur dapibus est, sit amet dapibus nisl facilisis eu. Aenean luctus aliquam ante, eget suscipit dolor egestas a.

Donec non nisl vel neque maximus tincidunt. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque ac urna sit amet lacus sollicitudin tincidunt. Maecenas dapibus lorem felis, sed bibendum eros euismod et. Etiam elementum mauris sed nunc cursus, at maximus metus consectetur. Integer nec nibh egestas, varius dolor ac, congue arcu. Curabitur id vulputate sem, quis efficitur dui. Proin blandit libero lacus, in condimentum mauris consectetur eget. In posuere volutpat vulputate. Duis eget ligula sapien. Maecenas convallis, orci ac porttitor convallis, orci risus dignissim enim, nec rhoncus arcu ipsum non elit. Suspendisse interdum id neque ac congue. Sed sed turpis non magna vehicula malesuada fermentum id felis. Cras lacinia ipsum erat, ac pulvinar felis pharetra non. Suspendisse potenti. Donec sodales nisl at justo pharetra feugiat.

Sed non sapien sed nibh molestie sagittis. Cras aliquet magna ipsum, at venenatis leo rhoncus et. Nunc efficitur sem sapien, eu tempor eros lobortis ac. Morbi vehicula elementum justo ut tincidunt. Vivamus aliquet malesuada ornare. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut neque enim, luctus gravida ante in, porttitor iaculis arcu. Integer eleifend justo tellus, ut fringilla augue placerat fermentum. Etiam ut arcu porttitor, vulputate dui eu, malesuada eros. Nam scelerisque vulputate tristique. Donec faucibus vehicula massa, eget ultricies arcu suscipit venenatis.

Donec elementum vehicula varius. Aenean ornare non massa sit amet accumsan. Mauris nibh orci, ultricies vel volutpat eu, viverra ac ipsum. Vivamus fermentum risus in risus euismod, pretium porttitor tortor dictum. Curabitur vel consequat leo, vel gravida lacus. Phasellus volutpat, dui in sollicitudin venenatis, purus turpis tempor odio, eu molestie ipsum urna quis neque. Mauris nec risus luctus, finibus massa vitae, hendrerit mauris. Integer fringilla gravida vestibulum. Cras vel maximus leo. Aliquam aliquet dolor at ex rhoncus, sed laoreet leo aliquet. Sed eu finibus tortor. Nulla vel dui non eros feugiat consectetur. Integer pharetra justo sit amet volutpat auctor. Ut dui nulla, malesuada sit amet elit et, mattis finibus felis. Vivamus sed porttitor orci, at rhoncus justo. Phasellus eu tortor pulvinar, ullamcorper eros vel, luctus tellus.

Etiam volutpat mauris ac malesuada pretium. Fusce non accumsan arcu. Donec faucibus, sapien vel pretium fringilla, lectus libero mollis ligula, eu gravida justo velit eget ipsum. Suspendisse eu gravida mi. Mauris sed metus elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas ac orci at justo sollicitudin tincidunt. Cras vel egestas nulla, non iaculis urna. Aenean placerat nec magna consectetur porttitor. Nullam viverra dictum nunc, vel pellentesque metus malesuada a. Aliquam tempus cursus mauris vel blandit. Nam mollis dui eu ullamcorper vestibulum. Aenean venenatis dolor non accumsan egestas.

Section 2

Ut tincidunt congue lorem non sollicitudin. Mauris ac ligula aliquet, faucibus risus et, ultricies eros. Ut hendrerit nunc eu lacus tincidunt, vitae fermentum arcu commodo. Proin malesuada feugiat diam, nec euismod purus consequat nec. Praesent faucibus eu eros id varius. Maecenas rhoncus euismod magna imperdiet ornare. Sed sollicitudin leo eget odio ullamcorper, sit amet malesuada dolor gravida. Proin pellentesque massa nec pretium tincidunt. Nunc ut ornare nunc. Morbi dignissim a nisl vel auctor. Vivamus quis lacus in diam bibendum bibendum. Aliquam maximus purus sed venenatis rutrum. Phasellus quis viverra lacus, at pulvinar elit. Aliquam leo quam, vulputate id dictum et, luctus et purus. Praesent ac fringilla ex.

Fusce sapien lacus, cursus faucibus erat ac, imperdiet tristique erat. Suspendisse sit amet feugiat velit. In eget condimentum justo. Morbi sit amet orci malesuada, feugiat elit in, finibus ex. Duis nunc nunc, egestas id metus id, feugiat convallis neque. Ut finibus diam in diam aliquam vestibulum. Ut et interdum lorem. Aliquam sollicitudin dictum tellus, sed fringilla felis tristique vel. Etiam sed ipsum ut sem cursus viverra. Sed diam est, luctus nec laoreet eu, tincidunt tincidunt ligula. Sed sit amet cursus enim, nec gravida leo. Donec ac urna in est faucibus sagittis. Pellentesque sit amet accumsan nisl. Vivamus nibh enim, laoreet elementum massa in, bibendum rhoncus mi. Praesent pharetra bibendum purus sit amet efficitur.

Maecenas elementum, leo sit amet maximus condimentum, metus erat egestas erat, aliquet feugiat enim sapien vel metus. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur lacus dui, pellentesque at nulla non, malesuada elementum augue. In varius tellus in nunc hendrerit, vitae iaculis odio placerat. Vivamus tempus mauris id rhoncus ornare. In semper faucibus sapien quis feugiat. Nulla ligula ex, tincidunt sed dolor non, imperdiet vehicula odio.

Praesent quis est efficitur, pharetra neque eget, aliquam magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec id tortor justo. Sed id est sit amet velit congue finibus. Proin orci nunc, porttitor ut ullamcorper vel, suscipit sit amet velit. Morbi cursus commodo euismod. Donec eleifend egestas condimentum. Duis quis rhoncus enim.

Ut tincidunt pharetra enim, id fringilla sapien ornare sed. Vestibulum malesuada efficitur nulla, ut mollis arcu mollis at. Duis elementum dui ultrices quam malesuada, at hendrerit nunc rhoncus. Cras pharetra est sit amet felis ultrices, eget euismod leo facilisis. Fusce vel eros eget dolor auctor mollis. Donec eu vehicula elit. Nulla sapien quam, eleifend ac ornare at, imperdiet at nisl. Aliquam molestie posuere neque, id molestie diam vulputate in. Vestibulum nec maximus nulla.

Pellentesque malesuada lacus et finibus scelerisque. Etiam mi ante, mattis quis tristique non, porttitor nec lectus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur in rutrum libero. Nunc sed nisl porta, placerat eros sollicitudin, convallis sem. Fusce a elit sollicitudin, suscipit velit vel, pulvinar neque. Aliquam non mi viverra, ultricies nulla quis, egestas ante. Suspendisse eu mauris massa. In vel diam sed enim placerat vehicula et id neque. Vestibulum quis libero a lacus aliquam iaculis. Fusce nec velit et orci mattis finibus quis eget orci. Nam purus lectus, pretium eu lacinia nec, fermentum sed sem. Vestibulum dignissim metus neque, non commodo mauris luctus sit amet.

Suspendisse egestas ac augue in pharetra. Phasellus eleifend felis tincidunt ligula suscipit faucibus. Pellentesque in magna dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce nisl augue, dapibus eu malesuada ut, bibendum nec metus. Nam a velit diam. Aenean nec nunc tempor, finibus nunc vel, feugiat quam. Proin laoreet maximus lacinia. In iaculis vehicula semper.

Praesent ultricies id turpis at facilisis. Phasellus a nisi velit. Vivamus tempus lorem nibh, id pellentesque odio tincidunt at. Cras nunc enim, venenatis non porta quis, cursus quis elit. Pellentesque libero ante, accumsan in tristique id, interdum id tellus. Fusce pellentesque tempor ligula, quis venenatis dolor. Morbi aliquam iaculis nunc vel accumsan. Suspendisse dapibus ultricies erat id aliquet.

Ut dignissim vulputate erat. Proin vitae gravida mi, ac luctus eros. Duis molestie metus bibendum, dignissim est ac, lobortis eros. Suspendisse tempus nisl semper faucibus rutrum. Curabitur sollicitudin vel turpis eget aliquam. Sed non turpis efficitur turpis scelerisque pharetra a et velit. Donec id libero nec arcu sodales mattis eu elementum magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque sodales est at orci maximus, vel placerat urna volutpat. Sed ultrices ligula ante, ut lobortis dolor laoreet quis. Praesent congue condimentum lectus vel efficitur. Curabitur ut nisl cursus, vulputate quam vel, porta eros. Phasellus sagittis felis felis, at aliquet mi sagittis ut.

Section 3

Curabitur sagittis lobortis nulla, eget blandit lectus commodo vitae. Suspendisse cursus auctor porta. Quisque maximus tempor urna, cursus bibendum eros vulputate nec. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam mattis iaculis arcu eu maximus. Integer sollicitudin id neque quis laoreet. Nam efficitur dapibus neque eu molestie.

Duis condimentum ac orci nec fermentum. Quisque molestie lectus non laoreet iaculis. Aliquam quis interdum odio. Sed tincidunt, quam eu porta tempus, lorem urna tempus magna, vehicula blandit magna nisi non nulla. Aenean quam orci, tempus ac urna et, dictum condimentum nulla. Sed interdum eleifend sem ut blandit. Nulla tellus neque, facilisis quis lacus eu, bibendum tristique justo.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla molestie, est ac ornare rhoncus, sapien odio luctus sem, ut porta magna lorem quis lacus. Proin vulputate lectus velit, non aliquet nunc facilisis vitae. Nulla et nibh tincidunt, accumsan mi nec, mattis elit. Quisque a elit pulvinar, consequat purus non, porta sem. Quisque vitae sem non ex porttitor mollis. Nullam dignissim felis eu lectus semper sollicitudin. Donec felis nibh, interdum a erat sit amet, mattis laoreet dui. Cras at tempus arcu, et lobortis magna. Ut pellentesque est eget mi pellentesque maximus. Nam sit amet vehicula nunc. In faucibus orci et lacus rhoncus, non suscipit magna cursus. Nunc sit amet porta lacus. Etiam id ipsum eget odio molestie vulputate non eu nulla. Pellentesque rhoncus arcu at diam imperdiet finibus. In id felis nunc.

Fusce auctor iaculis scelerisque. Pellentesque lacinia ante vel nisi lobortis, eget tristique arcu mollis. Donec sed ligula eu lorem venenatis consequat a vel ex. Nam in malesuada ipsum. Duis at enim nibh. Cras sit amet orci sit amet diam aliquet viverra. Mauris fringilla nisl vitae luctus pharetra. Nulla sed hendrerit ex. Nam elementum enim vitae ornare vestibulum.

Praesent dictum sapien sed sem maximus, vel mollis enim convallis. Nulla tincidunt metus nec tortor lobortis viverra consectetur eget enim. In pretium lorem non odio blandit gravida. Integer sollicitudin lacus a velit consectetur gravida. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas accumsan mauris arcu, vel interdum mauris feugiat tincidunt. Mauris mauris lectus, convallis quis mauris nec, tristique mattis felis. Suspendisse potenti. Donec eget pellentesque magna, id egestas tellus. Ut a volutpat mi. Vivamus porta metus augue, eu aliquam enim interdum eu. Mauris nec mi sit amet enim lobortis congue maximus eu leo. Nam nisi nunc, dignissim quis commodo sit amet, semper ut tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Mauris leo lacus, vehicula vitae iaculis at, tincidunt sed nibh. Maecenas velit lorem, placerat ac tellus eget, elementum dictum dui. In consequat est ultrices, facilisis diam placerat, cursus leo. Morbi eu euismod leo. Nunc dapibus quam quis scelerisque condimentum. Nam tempus congue erat, a luctus lacus gravida sed. Duis id risus vel ex feugiat luctus.

Nullam vel tellus augue. Nam sit amet nunc imperdiet leo feugiat interdum. Phasellus eget varius odio. Sed vel nisl at lectus auctor laoreet a quis elit. Ut scelerisque porta semper. Cras sed sem sit amet nulla luctus viverra. Cras laoreet faucibus leo, ut pretium urna eleifend in. Duis semper dui ut ligula venenatis bibendum. Nam ornare massa nec sollicitudin varius. Nunc placerat ac augue at gravida. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent volutpat mauris nec augue laoreet, vel elementum arcu porttitor.

Ut nec eros metus. Phasellus et placerat lacus. Curabitur iaculis eleifend tincidunt. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus id porta justo. Morbi at velit tincidunt, elementum est vitae, dignissim ligula. Vivamus mattis nisl a ligula sagittis imperdiet. Vestibulum at tortor justo. Maecenas non tellus sagittis, porta metus quis, sollicitudin nibh. Proin quis suscipit dolor, vitae vestibulum massa. Sed ultricies porttitor odio quis fringilla. Proin vitae arcu neque. Vivamus non auctor ante, pellentesque posuere mauris. Maecenas cursus, nibh sed ultrices interdum, nunc lacus facilisis lorem, ut malesuada diam lectus vitae arcu. Fusce sit amet viverra nunc, congue interdum nulla. Curabitur commodo odio eu ex viverra, quis feugiat justo rhoncus.

Section 4

Vivamus lacinia dictum nisl ut rhoncus. Curabitur metus justo, luctus ac rutrum sed, pretium eget sem. Sed eu efficitur risus. Sed sed massa sit amet turpis malesuada accumsan. Nam ut odio eget justo dictum fringilla nec et lacus. Nam metus est, maximus non eleifend a, condimentum ac ligula. Donec tincidunt dictum ultrices. In facilisis, neque ac convallis volutpat, urna magna pretium eros, nec iaculis mauris turpis at orci. Aliquam faucibus ante id ligula imperdiet, tincidunt malesuada tortor maximus. Nunc condimentum luctus ante non tincidunt. Mauris quis vehicula velit. Nam commodo augue nulla, quis luctus nisl fermentum sed. Mauris malesuada velit ipsum, eget consectetur dolor blandit id.

Fusce euismod mi sed ipsum faucibus, luctus auctor turpis porttitor. Maecenas hendrerit massa a turpis aliquam scelerisque. Nullam sit amet nibh a elit fringilla semper quis laoreet nibh. Nam eget sem ut arcu fermentum lobortis non eget nibh. Duis nec faucibus orci. Morbi ac mi tincidunt, pretium tellus sed, porta nulla. Fusce porta sodales leo nec blandit.

Curabitur et nulla lectus. Nulla euismod, tellus at commodo fringilla, nisl ex suscipit massa, nec vehicula nunc sem ut sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tincidunt mi ac tempus fermentum. Cras sit amet augue non augue sodales mattis sed placerat libero. Praesent sed ipsum convallis, placerat dolor ut, dapibus est. In porttitor tellus sit amet diam sollicitudin varius. Phasellus ut cursus ante. Proin vel pharetra nisl.

Cras vulputate, erat vitae porta fringilla, lectus dui ullamcorper turpis, nec feugiat nisl tortor in ligula. Nulla quis ex et ligula dignissim feugiat. Nullam lorem neque, condimentum nec metus suscipit, euismod tristique erat. Suspendisse pellentesque blandit nisi in pulvinar. Proin sagittis turpis eget nibh tincidunt tincidunt. Nam blandit dictum mi quis sodales. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis vel volutpat lorem. Cras sit amet ipsum ante. Fusce quis fringilla nunc, sit amet auctor purus. Etiam tristique finibus facilisis. Etiam at lacus ac sem feugiat rhoncus at non metus. Phasellus blandit tincidunt nibh, quis lobortis tortor molestie in.

Nam lorem erat, congue eget odio sit amet, mattis ultrices orci. Morbi eget ex turpis. Aliquam vitae dapibus ante. Nulla in lorem mattis, condimentum dui et, egestas tellus. Aenean congue justo quis risus viverra, vitae sodales orci condimentum. Quisque elementum viverra purus, a volutpat est sagittis a. Fusce ac nisi non tortor ornare blandit semper a elit. Morbi a molestie ligula. Sed ultrices porta orci et finibus. Mauris vitae tortor pretium, condimentum velit nec, vulputate risus.

Ut non enim et quam euismod sollicitudin. Maecenas mattis convallis placerat. Sed pulvinar, lorem egestas eleifend ullamcorper, ex nunc eleifend risus, non tincidunt lectus ligula at leo. Aliquam euismod nisl nunc, eget fringilla urna faucibus eu. Sed consectetur tincidunt magna, id consequat felis elementum ut. Etiam vel turpis at orci molestie malesuada id at lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque sollicitudin nec lectus eu sagittis. Aliquam consequat tincidunt ipsum sed tempus. Vivamus pharetra non elit laoreet tincidunt. Nam commodo odio nibh, non imperdiet sapien luctus eu. Suspendisse placerat maximus sollicitudin. Donec rhoncus velit velit, sollicitudin vehicula massa commodo a. Donec maximus eget justo eu ultrices. Nunc vel gravida nunc.

Vivamus id elit orci. Pellentesque congue eget ante ac molestie. Maecenas vestibulum dui et pellentesque dapibus. Vestibulum gravida ipsum libero, vel auctor diam eleifend in. Sed euismod, ante vel finibus euismod, est mauris ullamcorper mauris, ut rutrum urna quam ut nisl. Maecenas elit eros, vulputate et sem ut, sodales tempor orci. Suspendisse quis consectetur nisi.

Donec molestie eros tempus ante sodales rutrum. Proin suscipit est sit amet ex commodo, posuere luctus libero facilisis. Suspendisse sed diam et lorem pulvinar dictum a in magna. Praesent non felis nec nulla mollis sagittis in et mi. Aenean in blandit nulla. Sed ut lacinia velit, ut posuere nisi. Donec venenatis odio ac tellus aliquet iaculis.

Vestibulum lacinia tellus et enim hendrerit, ut mollis diam ornare. Curabitur efficitur porttitor dui, at imperdiet enim laoreet et. Nam eget dignissim justo. Morbi porttitor in nisl quis dignissim. Proin nulla nulla, posuere nec pellentesque varius, tempor vel urna. Aenean ipsum odio, efficitur in aliquet sed, imperdiet in enim. Sed molestie iaculis odio, quis semper dolor varius quis. Nulla id libero non ipsum semper rhoncus sed eget nulla. Curabitur vitae nibh scelerisque, congue tortor at, venenatis nisl. Fusce sit amet urna nec turpis ultricies porttitor. Donec et mi facilisis, mollis ex eu, consectetur tortor. Suspendisse semper laoreet lectus. Integer ultrices sollicitudin ex ut auctor. Donec semper bibendum quam sit amet viverra. Suspendisse commodo pharetra orci commodo euismod. Integer eget commodo diam, non volutpat libero.

Aenean dictum ligula sem, aliquam ullamcorper erat lacinia vel. Ut sit amet ullamcorper magna. Ut ut scelerisque elit, sed consectetur ante. Aliquam ac lectus pharetra, imperdiet magna at, viverra augue. Maecenas iaculis vulputate ex, non auctor felis. Fusce eu elementum metus. Sed vitae elit in arcu commodo sodales eu sit amet elit. Vestibulum aliquet vitae dui id commodo. Nam dictum, tortor nec consectetur sodales, tellus odio consectetur urna, vitae convallis turpis sem et sapien. Donec ex nulla, gravida in commodo vitae, bibendum at eros. Nulla in mattis dui. Donec in nisl augue.

Nulla venenatis metus sit amet nisl iaculis pulvinar. Phasellus venenatis arcu vel rhoncus lobortis. Vivamus semper lacinia ipsum a volutpat. Maecenas id malesuada augue. Maecenas pulvinar et leo ut condimentum. Duis pretium odio sit amet nibh mollis, eu scelerisque lorem efficitur. Ut sem lacus, feugiat nec massa sed, interdum viverra dui.

Etiam a velit vel mauris blandit varius. Fusce et ante finibus, efficitur ex eget, ultrices sem. Etiam viverra erat molestie pulvinar auctor. Maecenas eget euismod lectus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sed purus mattis lorem dictum consequat. Ut in ex a velit maximus imperdiet eu sed justo. Mauris at elementum risus.

Fusce ullamcorper at dolor ac dictum. Praesent lacus nisl, blandit ac quam a, rutrum elementum dui. Etiam vitae tincidunt nibh, a ullamcorper tellus. Donec ac sodales ipsum. Sed sodales facilisis tellus, vel euismod dolor egestas ac. Donec sed viverra velit, et lobortis orci. Sed ut massa eget erat euismod blandit. Donec vel tincidunt odio, at elementum massa. Praesent neque risus, varius vel ipsum a, sagittis imperdiet massa. Donec ultricies rhoncus risus, nec venenatis ligula tempor ac.

Aliquam sed ipsum eget eros maximus vestibulum. Phasellus eget ante nec sem aliquet semper. Mauris volutpat nulla risus, vel sagittis lectus sollicitudin quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis tincidunt pellentesque lobortis. Nam iaculis massa quam, ultricies lacinia odio commodo id. Aliquam sed augue ac tortor tincidunt vestibulum. Quisque turpis erat, elementum non quam non, luctus bibendum ligula. Sed et dolor vulputate, lobortis mi eu, semper diam. Suspendisse sed vulputate massa, vitae laoreet lacus. Vestibulum pellentesque mattis mauris vitae pretium. Vestibulum condimentum et augue vitae interdum.

Aliquam eu est vel magna rutrum dapibus. Fusce porttitor nisl in tempor gravida. Mauris sed tellus dapibus, luctus lectus vitae, dapibus quam. Aliquam sed malesuada justo, vitae tincidunt nisi. Morbi et sem eu ipsum mattis ultrices vitae id massa. Sed hendrerit blandit metus, in dignissim nulla ullamcorper non. Aliquam elementum sit amet enim ut ultrices. Fusce eu turpis id magna posuere lobortis. Pellentesque metus sem, tincidunt pharetra lacus quis, gravida sodales mi. Ut gravida est iaculis ipsum bibendum, eu consectetur dolor vehicula. In eu enim suscipit felis pretium tempus.

Section 5

Suspendisse vehicula malesuada velit vel accumsan. Sed facilisis metus non justo lobortis, vitae feugiat nunc bibendum. Quisque auctor, nulla sed feugiat vestibulum, magna diam tristique lorem, sit amet luctus lectus nisl et nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nec tortor eu augue euismod convallis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent elit elit, malesuada non nunc a, fringilla congue neque. Nunc cursus dui nec mi rutrum placerat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut pretium, est et gravida consectetur, velit velit aliquam nibh, ac dictum nulla nulla congue massa. Sed dui metus, lobortis nec mattis at, cursus sit amet leo. Duis non mauris orci. Nulla congue erat sit amet libero porta dignissim. Nunc leo augue, imperdiet eget convallis vitae, accumsan id metus. Sed cursus lobortis fermentum.

Sed eu augue nisi. Ut massa nisl, consequat eget vehicula id, facilisis quis ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras orci nibh, finibus ac velit at, efficitur posuere turpis. Duis non nibh eu ligula iaculis sagittis. Etiam consequat rutrum sapien non viverra. Pellentesque facilisis imperdiet condimentum. Aenean non velit id ex finibus malesuada. Nunc sodales, purus vitae tincidunt euismod, ante orci facilisis justo, nec tempus enim mauris et libero. Pellentesque consectetur elit sed ipsum pharetra, eu lacinia tellus vestibulum. Ut ac mi ut turpis commodo dapibus ac vitae neque. Vivamus eros purus, vestibulum imperdiet efficitur tincidunt, placerat sed ipsum.

Donec eleifend metus ut nisi cursus ultricies. Suspendisse convallis egestas sapien, in consequat lacus mattis eu. Praesent tristique, mi nec iaculis rutrum, quam est posuere justo, id pretium sapien ante sed lacus. Curabitur ultrices, neque quis mollis suscipit, elit urna laoreet nunc, mattis maximus mauris dolor et urna. Maecenas auctor quam eget lorem posuere tincidunt. Sed fringilla id turpis sed porttitor. Donec a aliquam sem, id venenatis mauris. Aenean posuere dignissim nisl at fringilla. Maecenas aliquam, velit nec tincidunt fermentum, mi nisi lacinia diam, ut imperdiet diam tortor ut nisi. Nulla facilisi. Sed euismod faucibus nisl nec tristique. Nulla nec sollicitudin massa. Quisque maximus risus eget neque cursus, hendrerit lobortis orci sollicitudin. Aenean eget aliquam magna. Sed dolor lorem, ultricies vitae fermentum et, fringilla eget metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut nisl vestibulum, scelerisque ligula quis, vulputate arcu. Suspendisse mattis felis non mollis facilisis. Nam sit amet laoreet leo. Nam id ipsum et enim sagittis condimentum vitae ut magna. Nullam non nisl nisl. Phasellus fermentum ullamcorper augue et facilisis. Maecenas rutrum mauris vel lorem vestibulum commodo. Etiam scelerisque augue eu arcu venenatis, et vulputate mi maximus. Morbi odio arcu, congue sit amet ipsum eget, mattis rutrum lectus. Phasellus ac mauris massa. Praesent nec hendrerit arcu. Ut auctor tortor sed volutpat eleifend. Nulla a mi sapien.

Mauris tempor, arcu ut rhoncus laoreet, metus mauris aliquam quam, id gravida lectus ante condimentum tortor. Mauris eget diam turpis. Aenean dapibus, nisi quis volutpat hendrerit, tortor augue tincidunt nisl, vitae condimentum libero nulla ac velit. Nullam eu turpis tincidunt, rhoncus sem ac, dapibus sem. Sed et dapibus augue. Praesent nec convallis ligula, ac lobortis metus. Praesent accumsan euismod turpis porta mollis. Vestibulum quam erat, condimentum sed luctus et, efficitur at velit. Aliquam tempus, nisi sit amet tristique iaculis, nulla nunc porta elit, et vehicula quam ligula et purus. Pellentesque arcu nulla, viverra quis nisi eget, posuere accumsan risus. Etiam id metus hendrerit, porta purus id, dictum risus.

Maecenas porta dui sed risus congue venenatis. Nunc luctus, tellus in rhoncus viverra, nunc erat gravida metus, placerat congue mi est sit amet mi. Etiam lobortis, nisi eget rhoncus interdum, est diam consectetur dui, quis ultrices nibh massa at nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce pulvinar vitae erat quis pulvinar. Sed blandit pretium orci sed sollicitudin. Mauris at ex gravida, ullamcorper arcu non, pulvinar lorem. Sed volutpat ut lacus nec ullamcorper. Integer laoreet accumsan ante, sed pellentesque est lacinia quis. Duis bibendum ut tortor quis imperdiet.

Fusce non massa elementum ante mattis molestie sed sed ligula. Nam sit amet dui est. Nunc quis gravida velit. Vestibulum est neque, blandit sed imperdiet id, tempor at nunc. Sed dictum quam quis metus luctus cursus. Sed sagittis posuere lobortis. Cras tincidunt tincidunt nunc at consectetur.

Praesent ut odio at ligula porttitor dictum. Phasellus eget orci metus. Nunc tempor ex eget facilisis dignissim. Praesent dui sapien, pharetra sed dictum quis, tristique nec purus. Pellentesque interdum tortor eget erat auctor mattis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc non arcu ut neque facilisis consequat id a velit. Donec sed leo sed urna volutpat venenatis nec at quam. Donec et sem non leo sodales tincidunt eget in massa.

NASA Image of the Day: Be An Astronaut
Be An Astronaut
In March 2017, Peggy Whitson broke the then-spacewalking record for female astronauts.

March 31, 2020
Federal Reserve Steps in Again to Try to Smooth Out Lending Markets Battered by Coronavirus

(WASHINGTON) — The Federal Reserve is intervening once again to try to smooth out the world's lending markets, this time by lending dollars to other central banks in exchange for Treasurys.

The Fed's move Tuesday marks its latest aggressive effort to keep borrowing rates down and ensure that financial markets can still function in the face of the coronavirus outbreak. The virus has caused a near-shutdown of economic activity in the United States and abroad and made it harder for some banks and companies to borrow. The Fed is trying to facilitate lending and boost confidence that it will do all it can to support the global financial system.

The new lending program will allow other central banks to access dollars without having to sell Treasury securities. Excessive selling of Treasurys typically causes their interest rates, or yields, to rise, and that makes borrowing more expensive. The Fed is trying to prevent this.

"This facility should help support the smooth functioning of the U.S. Treasury market by providing an alternative temporary source of U.S. dollars other than sales of securities in the open market," it said in a statement.

Foreign central banks typically lend dollars to banks in their countries, which conduct much of their business in dollars.

The Fed has already expanded dollar "swap lines" with 14 central banks to exchange dollars for an equal amount of foreign currency. The new program will let central banks sell Treasurys to the Fed, with an agreement to buy them back the next day — a trade known as a "repurchase agreement" or repo. The central banks pay a small interest rate on what is essentially an overnight loan, which can be repeated.

As the coronavirus has disrupted economies and financial markets, banks and other financial institutions have sought to sell Treasurys and other securities to raise cash. This selling pressure has, on some days, driven up Treasury yields and clogged financial markets as sellers have struggled to find buyers. The Fed's overseas lending program will enable foreign central banks to convert Treasuries to cash without having to sell them.

The program will start April 6 and continue for at least six months, the Fed said.

Christopher Rugaber / AP
‘Taking Action Cost Me My Job.’ Amazon Fires Worker Who Led Coronavirus Strike

Chris Smalls, an Amazon fulfillment center employee, said the company fired him after he led a strike at a warehouse in Staten Island, New York, over coronavirus safety conditions.

"Taking action cost me my job," Smalls said Monday in a Bloomberg TV interview. "Because I tried to stand up for something that's right, the company decided to retaliate against me."

A group of workers at the Staten Island fulfillment center walked off the job Monday to demand Amazon close the facility for extended cleaning, the latest in a wave of virus-related protests. They say a number of their colleagues there were diagnosed with COVID-19. Organizers say more than 60 workers participated in the protest.

In a statement Monday night, New York State Attorney General Letitia James called Smalls' firing "immoral and inhumane." James urged the National Labor Relations Board to investigate the incident and said her office "is considering all legal options" as well.

Amazon confirmed it fired Smalls, saying he violated safety regulations, including failing to abide by a 14-day quarantine required after being exposed to an employee with a confirmed case of Covid-19.

"Mr. Smalls received multiple warnings for violating social distancing guidelines and putting the safety of others at risk," Amazon said in a statement. Smalls "was asked to remain home with pay for 14 days, which is a measure we're taking at sites around the world. Despite that instruction to stay home with pay, he came on site today, March 30, further putting the teams at risk."

Smalls called the company's claim "ridiculous" and said he was being retaliated against for his activism. Federal law protects the right of employees to engage in collective action, including strikes, to protest working conditions.

"I'm still going to continue to fight for those people inside of that building," he said.

Amazon also disputed the number of workers involved in the protest, saying it was 15 of more than 5,000 employees at the Staten Island site.

"Like all businesses grappling with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we are working hard to keep employees safe while serving communities and the most vulnerable," the company said.

—With assistance from Emily Chang and Omar Kasrawi.

Josh Eidelson and Luke Kawa / Bloomberg
NYT Technology: Coronavirus Ended the Screen-Time Debate. Screens Won.
Coronavirus Ended the Screen-Time Debate. Screens Won.
We've tried all sorts of things to stop us from staring at our devices. Digital detoxes. Abstinence. Now? Bring on the Zoom cocktail hour.

more @ New York Times
World Bank Says Coronavirus May Push Some Asian Economies Into Recession

The coronavirus outbreak will have a profound impact on emerging Asian economies and may push some countries in the region into a recession, the World Bank warns.

In a bleak report released Monday, the Washington-based institution said the pandemic will inflict significant economic pain on all countries, and could throw millions in the Asia Pacific region into poverty.

"Countries in East Asia and the Pacific that were already coping with international trade tensions and the repercussions of the spread of COVID-19 in China are now faced with a global shock," said Victoria Kwakwa, the World Bank's Vice President for East Asia and the Pacific.

Under the worst case scenario, which assumes a prolonged pandemic with more severe effects, Asian economies would contract 0.5%, the report estimates. Those conditions could force 11 million people in the region into poverty, and see 24 million fewer people escaping poverty than would have in the absence of the virus.

Households most at risk of falling into poverty rely on sectors particularly vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19, including tourism in Thailand, Cambodia and the Pacific islands, and manufacturing in Cambodia and Vietnam. "The risk of falling into poverty is particularly high among informal sector and self-employed workers who lack paid sick leave or other forms of social protection," the report says.

Even under "baseline" conditions that assume strong recovery efforts, the bank forecasts growth in developing economies in the region will shrink to 2.1% in 2020, compared to 5.8% recorded in 2019.

In China, the world's second largest economy, growth is projected to slow to 2.3% this year, or in the more pessimistic scenario, drop to 0.1%, according to the bank. China reported growth of 6.1% last year, which was its lowest GDP growth since 1992.

Read More: A Silent Epidemic? Experts Fear the Coronavirus Is Spreading Undetected in Southeast Asia

"In addition to bold national actions, deeper international cooperation is the most effective vaccine against this virulent threat," Aaditya Mattoo, Chief Economist for East Asia and the Pacific at the World Bank, said in a press release. "Countries in East Asia and the Pacific and elsewhere must fight this disease together, keep trade open and coordinate macroeconomic policy."

Such a sharp downturn could have severe effects on the global economy. While the World Bank has not yet released forecasts for the rest of the world, the head of the International Monetary Fund said last week that it is clear the global economy has now entered a recession on par with or worse than the 2009 slowdown.

COVID-19 has infected more than 786,000 people in over 175 countries or regions.

Amy Gunia
Monday, March 30, 2020
NYT Technology: New York Attorney General Looks Into Zoom’s Privacy Practices
New York Attorney General Looks Into Zoom's Privacy Practices
As the videoconferencing platform's popularity has surged, Zoom has scrambled to address a series of data privacy and security problems.

more @ New York Times
1 BTC equals 6256.0601 USD

As of March 30, 2020 at 10:50PM, 1 BTC equals 6256.0601 USD.

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Amid Coronavirus Closures, Macy’s Furloughs Majority of Its 130,000 Workers

(NEW YORK) — Macy's says it will stop paying tens of thousands of employees who were thrown out of work when the chain closed its stores in response to collapsing sales during the pandemic.

The majority of its 130,000, including stock people and sales clerks, will still collect health benefits but the company said that it is transitioning to an "absolute minimum workforce" needed to maintain basic operations. Macy's has lost the bulk of its sales due to the temporarily closing of its stores starting March 18.

The move is perhaps the most dramatic sign that even big name retailers are seeing their business evaporate and that the $2 trillion rescue package passed by Congress last week may come too late to help out retailers. Nordstrom said last week it was furloughing a portion of its corporate staff.

More than 190,000 stores, including J.C. Penney and Neiman Marcus, have temporarily closed, accounting for nearly 50% of the U.S. retail square footage, according to Neil Saunders, managing director of GlobalData Retail.

Read more: Mapping the Spread of the Coronavirus Outbreak Around the U.S. and the World

When announcing the temporary closures, most retailers said they would keep paying their workers. But that has now become increasingly untenable as the coronavirus rapidly spreads and forces people to stay cooped up in their homes.

The big question is how much of these furloughs will lead to permanent layoffs.

Macy's said that there won't be as many furloughs in its online operations, which continue to operate. "Macy's entered this crisis in a weak position and it is now one the retailers most affected by the decline in sales as consumer stay home," Saunders said. "Given the scale of the collapse and the high cost base of Macy's operations, furloughing staff has become inevitable as the shutdown of the consumer economy drags on."

Macy's said those who are enrolled in health benefits will continue to receive coverage with the company covering 100% of the premium.

"We expect to bring colleagues back on a staggered basis as business resumes," the company said.

Macy's temporarily closed all 500 its stores this month. To survive, it has suspended its dividend, drawn down its line of credit, frozen hiring and spending, and cancelled orders. Macy's said is now evaluating all financing options.

NASA Image of the Day: Celebrating NASA's Astronaut-Physicians
Celebrating NASA's Astronaut-Physicians
Today is National Doctors' Day!

March 30, 2020
Several EIA products show what's happening in current energy markets
Several EIA products show what's happening in current energy markets
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is the statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. EIA produces energy data and analysis to provide context for how a variety of energy industries serve customers in the United States and abroad. Several of EIA's surveys of the energy sector are conducted on a monthly or annual basis, but other surveys are conducted on shorter time intervals and can provide insights into current conditions in energy markets.

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One of Europe’s Biggest Airlines Is Grounding Its Entire Fleet Amid Coronavirus

(LONDON) — EasyJet says it is grounding its entire fleet of aircraft amid a collapse in demand due to the COVID-19 crisis.

The Luton-based carrier has parked all 344 of its planes, removing a significant cost as it copes with the impact of the virus.

EasyJet also says it has a strong balance sheet and is in "ongoing discussions with liquidity providers.'' The budget carrier also announced it has reached an agreement with the Unite union on furlough arrangements for its cabin crew.

The announcement comes as Scottish regional airline Loganair said it expects to ask for a government bailout.

Britain's government has so far demurred from creating a rescue package for aviation but has said it is ready for negotiations with individual firms once they had "exhausted other options."

Associated Press
Sunday, March 29, 2020
1 BTC equals 6113.0498 USD

As of March 29, 2020 at 10:50PM, 1 BTC equals 6113.0498 USD.

Register PIVOT to get BTC Bonus:PIVOT is a community for cryptocurrency investors. 
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NYT Technology: How Russia’s Troll Farm Is Changing Tactics Before the Fall Election
How Russia's Troll Farm Is Changing Tactics Before the Fall Election
The Kremlin-backed Internet Research Agency, which interfered in the 2016 election, is using different methods to hide itself better.

more @ New York Times
NYT Technology: Facebook, Google and Twitter Struggle to Handle November’s Election
Facebook, Google and Twitter Struggle to Handle November's Election
After spending billions to avoid a repeat of 2016, the tech giants are careening from crisis to crisis as their foes change tactics.

more @ New York Times
Saturday, March 28, 2020
1 BTC equals 6266.1299 USD

As of March 28, 2020 at 10:50PM, 1 BTC equals 6266.1299 USD.

Register PIVOT to get BTC Bonus:PIVOT is a community for cryptocurrency investors. 
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NYT Technology: A Single Gesture Behind Trump Fuels an Online Conspiracy Theory
A Single Gesture Behind Trump Fuels an Online Conspiracy Theory
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the administration's most outspoken advocate of emergency virus measures, has become the target of claims that he is mobilizing to undermine the president.

more @ New York Times
Friday, March 27, 2020
NASA Image of the Day: Hubble Hooks a One-Arm Galaxy
Hubble Hooks a One-Arm Galaxy
Located about 21 million light-years from our galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici, NGC 4618 has a diameter of about one-third that of our Milky Way. Together with its neighbor, NGC 4625, it forms an interacting galaxy pair, which means that the two galaxies are close enough to influence each other gravitationally.

March 27, 2020
Utilizing Defense Production Act, President Trump Seeks to Force General Motors to Produce Ventilators

(DETROIT) — President Donald Trump issued an order Friday that seeks to force General Motors to produce ventilators for coronavirus patients under the Defense Production Act.

Trump said negotiations with General Motors had been productive, "but our fight against the virus is too urgent to allow the give-and-take of the contracting process to continue to run its normal course."

Trump said "GM was wasting time" and said his actions will help ensure the quick production of ventilators that will save American lives.

Previously Trump has been reluctant to use the act to force businesses to contribute to the coronavirus fight, and it wasn't clear what triggered his order against GM.

Read more: As U.S. Braces for Coronavirus to Spread, Hospitals Worry About Shortages

The Detroit automaker is farthest along in the effort to make more of the critical breathing machines. It's working with Ventec Life Systems, a small Seattle-area ventilator maker to increase the company's production and repurpose a GM auto electronics plant in Kokomo, Indiana, to make the machines. The company said Friday it could build 10,000 ventilators per month starting in April with potential to make even more.

After Trump invoked the act, GM said in a statement that it has been working around the clock for more than a week with Ventec and parts suppliers to build more ventilators. The company said its commitment to build Ventec's ventilators "has never wavered."

Trump said that while the White House activated the act against GM, it may not be needed. "Maybe we won't even need the full activation. We'll find out," Trump said Friday in the Oval office.

The move appears aimed at price and volume negotiations with the government. But it's Ventec, not GM, that is talking with the government, said Chris Brooks, Ventec's chief strategy officer.

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Ventec ventilators, which are portable and can handle intensive care patients, cost about $18,000 each, Brooks said. That's much cheaper than the more sophisticated ventilators used by hospitals that can cost up to $50,000, he said.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has made multiple requests since Sunday for estimates of how many ventilators it can build at what price, and has not settled on any numbers, according to Brooks. That could slow Ventec's efforts to ramp up production because it doesn't know how many breathing machines it must build, he said.

Trump's action came just after a series of tweets attacking GM, alleging that the company promised to build thousands more breathing machines than it can deliver for coronavirus patients and that it wants too much money for them.

"As usual with 'this' General Motors, things just never seem to work out," Trump wrote on Twitter, adding that the company promised 40,000 ventilators quickly but now says it will build only 6,000 in late April. Trump also tweeted that Ford should start making ventilators fast.

The move escalated a feud involving the president, GM, several governors and medical experts over the severity of the crisis and just how many ventilators will be needed to handle it.

Read more: Mapping the Spread of the Coronavirus Outbreak Around the U.S. and the World

Experts say the U.S. is hundreds of thousands of breathing machines short of what it likely will need to treat a rapidly rising number of COVID-19 patients. New York, Michigan, Louisiana and the state of Washington have been singled out as virus hot spots in the U.S.

The series of tweets came just hours after Trump, during a Fox News interview Thursday night, said he had "a feeling" that the number of ventilators being requested to handle the virus was too high. GM said it is offering resources to Ventec "at cost."

In the interview, Trump questioned whether the number of ventilators requested by hospitals was exaggerated: "I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they're going to be," Trump said.

"I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators," he continued. "You know, you're going to major hospitals sometimes, they'll have two ventilators. And now, all of a sudden, they're saying, 'can we order 30,000 ventilators?'"

His remarks contradicted medical experts and apparently were aimed at New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has been pleading for 30,000 more ventilators to handle an expected surge in critical virus patients during the next three weeks.

"When the president says the state of New York doesn't need 30,000 ventilators, with all due respect to him, he's not looking at the facts of this astronomical growth of this crisis," said New York City's mayor Bill de Blasio on ABC's Good Morning America.

Please send tips, leads, and stories from the frontlines to virus@time.com.

Tom Krisher / AP
1 BTC equals 6613.4302 USD

As of March 27, 2020 at 10:50PM, 1 BTC equals 6613.4302 USD.

Register PIVOT to get BTC Bonus:PIVOT is a community for cryptocurrency investors. 
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NYT Technology: As Life Moves Online, an Older Generation Faces a Digital Divide
As Life Moves Online, an Older Generation Faces a Digital Divide
Uncomfortable with tech, many are struggling to use modern tools to keep up with friends and family in the pandemic.

more @ New York Times
NYT Technology: The Week in Tech: We’re Testing How Much the Internet Can Handle
The Week in Tech: We're Testing How Much the Internet Can Handle
We are more dependent on technology than ever. Can it handle the strain?

more @ New York Times
Oil market volatility is at an all-time high
Oil market volatility is at an all-time high
Crude oil prices have fallen significantly since the beginning of 2020, largely driven by the economic contraction caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and a sudden increase in crude oil supply following the suspension of agreed production cuts among the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and partner countries. With falling demand and increasing supply, daily price changes for the U.S. benchmark crude oil West Texas Intermediate (WTI) have been extremely volatile.

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Ethanol Producers Want FDA to Ease Restrictions So They Can Supply Hand Sanitizer

(DES MOINES, Iowa) — As hospitals and nursing homes desperately search for hand sanitizer amid the coronavirus outbreak, federal regulators are preventing ethanol producers from providing millions of gallons of alcohol that could be transformed into the germ-killing mixture.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's roadblock has been frustrating the health care and ethanol industries, which have been calling for a relaxed regulation to deal with the public health care emergency.

"Hand sanitizer is a big part of our lives," said Eric Barber, CEO of Mary Lanning Healthcare, a hospital in Hastings, Nebraska. "We can't get any. We order it and it's just not available."

The problem for the ethanol industry is that most plants make food-grade ethanol, one step below the highest pharmaceutical grade. But since the plants aren't certified to comply with stringent production standards designed to protect quality of medicines, food ingredients and dietary supplements, the FDA doesn't want the alcohol used for a product to be applied to the skin.

In addition, the alcohol is not denatured or mixed with a bitter additive to make it undrinkable. The FDA insists this step is "critical" because of cases of poisoning, sometimes fatal, among young children who have accidentally ingested hand sanitizers.

An FDA spokesman said Thursday that regulators have already seen a rise in poisonings linked to hand sanitizers in recent weeks, "heightening this public concern."

The FDA is also skeptical of industry claims that undenatured sanitizers could be distributed in a way that would keep them away from children.

"It is unclear what, if any, measure could be instituted to ensure that the product does not make its way into consumer hands, where children could have access," FDA's Jeremy Kahn said in an emailed statement.

Facing a nationwide shortage, Barber said the FDA should temporarily relax regulations to allow alternative production.

"You're talking about alcohol. Does it matter if it's fuel grade or whatever the stuff is they're trying to price gouge now? I think its common sense," he said.

The American Hospital Association encouraged flexibility to help protect patients and caregivers, without directly weighing in on the sanitizer dispute.

"We may need to consider a range of possible solutions that were not on the table before the pandemic," said Nancy Foster, a vice president with the group, in an emailed statement to the AP.

The Consumer Brands Association, formerly the Grocery Manufacturers Association, has had conversations with the FDA to push the agency to reconsider its guidelines. The group, which represents branded food, consumer products and beverage companies, said that hand sanitizer supplies are running so low that its members have had to ration it out to workers in stores, distribution centers and manufacturing plants.

"We need a temporary solution," said Mike Gruber, vice president of regulatory and technical affairs at the trade association. "This goes toward ensuring basic food safety practices."

Distillers that produce vodka, whisky and other alcoholic drinks have been given some regulatory waivers by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau allowing them to produce hand sanitizer. Many have done that, but they produce much smaller volumes of alcohol than an ethanol plant could produce. They also receive a benefit in the Senate-passed stimulus bill.

The Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, which represents dozens of large and small distillers, applauded Congress for easing taxes on distillers who make hand sanitizer.

Under the stimulus package passed late Wednesday, distillers don't have to pay federal excise taxes on alcohol used for hand sanitizer through Jan. 1, 2021.

"Hundreds of U.S. distillers are stepping up to produce hand sanitizer and they should not be hit with a huge tax bill for producing this much-needed item, especially at a time when so many of them are struggling," said Chris Swonger, the group's president and CEO.

But the council said it's urging the FDA to update its guidance and let distillers use undenatured alcohol for hand sanitizer. The stimulus bill requires distillers to follow the FDA's guidance if they want to receive the tax breaks.

The FDA has waived dozens of regulations in recent weeks to boost production of key medical supplies, including coronavirus tests, ventilators, gloves and hand sanitizers.

Under the latest FDA guidelines, regulators maintain standards for alcohol, requiring new producers to use alcohol that meets federal or international standards for use in either drugs or food products.

The regulatory hurdles are especially frustrating for Midwest ethanol producers who are facing plunging fuel demand and a petroleum fight between Saudi Arabia and Russia that caused prices to plummet. The factors are forcing more plants to curtail production and close.

For ethanol producers relaxed rules, including a requirement of the hard-to-acquire denaturant, would allow them to step in an help in a national emergency.

"If we could get the FDA to say yes you can use the beverage grade and for the duration of this emergency at least for some point in time here for the next two weeks you can waive the denaturant we would literally have millions of gallons of hand sanitizer available within a matter of days," said Monte Shaw, CEO of Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, an ethanol trade group. "Every one of our plants has gotten contacted by people who want this stuff and we can't send it to them."

Andrew Vrbas owner of Pacha Soap, a boutique soap shop in Hastings, Nebraska, had just finished renovating a 100,000-square-foot former bread factory as a project to boost the community. Now, he's preparing to set up hand sanitizer production there to supply to hospitals. He's received calls from hospitals in Nebraska, Florida and New York City seeking hand sanitizer.

"We are literally three miles from a plant that has as much ethanol as you could imagine," he said. "We're sitting on millions of gallons of alcohol. If we could rally the federal government to say look if you just let us work with local ethanol producers we have the expertise, we have the ability to provide hand sanitizer to hospitals not only in Nebraska but all across the country that are just reaching out through my network saying if you could send us hand sanitizer, we're out."


Retail Writer Anne D'Innocenzio contributed from New York City, Health Writer Matthew Perrone from Washington and Auto Writer Dee-Ann Durbin from Ann Arbor, Michigan.

David Pitt / AP
Thursday, March 26, 2020
1 BTC equals 6626.96 USD

As of March 26, 2020 at 10:50PM, 1 BTC equals 6626.96 USD.

Register PIVOT to get BTC Bonus:PIVOT is a community for cryptocurrency investors. 
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Americans Bought More Beans, Disinfectants and Oat Milk to Prepare for the Coronavirus Pandemic

As Americans hunkered down at home to protect themselves from the spread of novel coronavirus last week, they filled their pantries with toilet paper, sanitizing products and…oat milk?


The milk alternative surged in U.S. sales by 477% during the week ending March 14 compared to the same period last year—one of the biggest increases of any food product, according to new data compiled by Nielsen. During ordinary times, this increase might seem to have been caused by the milk alternative's trendiness. But during a pandemic, consumers might have had more practical concerns. Oat milk is shelf-stable—which means that consumers can keep it in their homes longer.

Nielsen's data shows that last week, Americans bought an unusually large amount of non-perishable food, as well as cleaning products, health goods, and lots and lots of toilet paper as they got ready to keep themselves and their homes clean and stocked with food.

As states discouraged Americans from being in large crowds, consumers increasingly shopped for groceries online. Instacart, which delivers goods from local grocery stores, reported that order volume is up by 150% compared to the same period last year; customers were also buying more, with average baskets 15% bigger compared to last month. About 40% of orders used the company's "leave at my door option" last week—perhaps to reduce contact with the delivery person.

Laura McCullough, at executive vice president of U.S. manufacturer client success at Nielsen, said that Nielsen's data shows that Americans rearranged their lifestyles last week. "Early on we saw spikes in health safety product sales correlating with major announcements in those areas and shifts from shopping the perimeter of the store to the center," McCullough said. "Drastic out-of-stocks may rise if concerns over healthcare provider and government preparedness grow."

Besides oat milk, Americans also stocked up on dried beans, up 231% compared to last year; canned meat, up 188%; tuna, up 142%, and soup, up 127%, according to Nielsen.

Snack foods are also up in popularity as consumers geared up to munch at home. Popcorn is up 48%, pretzels 47%, pastries 24% and ice cream 23%. Certain fresh fruits and vegetables have also ticked up, as consumers perhaps started to realize they'd rather not live on canned food alone. Apples were up 20%, bananas by 17%, and papayas and celery by 3% each.

Unsurprisingly amidst a pandemic, consumers are also focusing their spending on health products. Thermometers are up 498%; cold and flu remedies 159% and vitamins 93%.

Though hand sanitizer is very much in high demand (up 208%), there are also signs that Americans are trying to make their own versions at home. Two ingredients used in DIY recipes, hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol, are up 212% and 277% respectively (although consumers may also be using them for other cleaning purposes). Other cleaning products, especially aerosol disinfectants, up 519%, and multi-purpose cleaners, up 243%, also saw strong increases in demand.

As consumers spend more time alone and indoors, the pandemic also appears to have repressed demand for certain goods. Perfume is down by 18%; sunscreen by 17%, and vegetable party platters by 7%.

Tara Law
How COVID-19 Is Impacting Lottery Jackpots

(DES MOINES, Iowa) — Hoping to escape all the coronavirus-caused economic uncertainty by winning a giant lottery jackpot?

Think again. Those jackpots are going to shrink as the pandemic tamps down lottery sales.

The group that oversees the Powerball game announced Wednesday night that it would cut minimum jackpots in half, from $40 million to $20 million, after there is a winner of the current big prize. The jackpot also could grow more slowly, with minimum increases of $2 million instead of the normal $10 million after each twice-weekly drawing.

"Powerball players in many U.S. lottery jurisdictions are under shelter-in-place orders or recommendations from their governors or mayors, which have affected normal consumer behaviors," said Gregory Mineo, the director of the Maine lottery and chairman of the Powerball Product Group. "Just like other enterprises around the world that are making adjustments, we are making proactive changes to continue to offer the world's premier lottery product."

Read more: President Trump Is Already Considering Defying Health Experts to Boost the Economy

The other national lottery game in the United States, Mega Millions, is considering a similar move.

"The Mega Millions Consortium has begun internal discussions about potential changes to address the slowdown in sales during the current health crisis," said Gordon Medenica, who heads the Maryland lottery and is director of the national game.

Medenica notes, however, that Mega Millions has a minimum increase of $5 million after each drawing so is in better position to weather the decreased sales.

For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia, or death.

The move by Powerball won't affect the current $160 million jackpot, which will continue to rise by at least $10 million until there is a winner. Another thing that won't change is the odds of winning a jackpot, and they're puny for both games. For Powerball, the odds are one in 292.2 million, and for Mega Millions they're one in 302.6 million.

Powerball and Mega Millions are played in 45 states plus Washington, D.C., and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Powerball also is offered in Puerto Rico.

Scott McFetridge / AP
‘A Quarantine Special.’ After a Month at Sea, California Tuna Fisherman Return Home to Coronavirus Storm

The coronavirus literally traveled over them from Asia to California while they were on the high seas catching tuna.

And now, fishermen are returning home to California to find a state all but shuttered and nowhere to sell their catch. A handful of tuna boats filled with tens of thousands of pounds of fish are now floating off San Diego's coast as they scramble to find customers. Many wholesalers stopped buying as restaurants were ordered closed except for takeout.

San Diego, once known as the tuna capital of the world, boasts a thriving industry that sells primarily to wholesale buyers and restaurants.

Many are third-generation fishermen, like Nick Haworth. He pulled up his vessel to a dock in downtown San Diego with 30,000 pounds (13,600 kilograms) of big eye tuna and opah. It was selling for $10 a pound to the public, a third of the market price.

Another two vessels planned to sell at the dock Saturday.

"This is a quarantine special," a tanned Haworth donning a mask and blue surgical gloves joked as he took orders from people standing 6 feet (1.8 meters) apart on the dock while seals barked around his boat, the Kaylee H.

Virus Outbreak Returning From Sea
Gregory Bull—APOpah fish are hauled onto a dock for sale on March 20, 2020, in San Diego.

When Haworth left a month ago to fish about 600 miles (970 kilometers) from the coast, the coronavirus was still concentrated primarily in China. The general feeling, he said, was that it was coming under control. President Donald Trump was telling the nation the numbers were only going to get better.

Read more: The Trump Administration Fumbled Its Initial Response to Coronavirus. Is There Enough Time to Fix It?

As his crew motored farther out to sea, a pandemic was declared, though Haworth didn't know it because his radio was broken.

It wasn't until they were returning weeks later and were within 50 miles (80 kilometers), or about five hours away, that they picked up a signal for their TV to work and learned from the news of the worldwide closures, including in California and the Philippines, where many of his crew members have family.

California on Friday confined its 40 million residents to home in the strictest response yet.

"The second we saw the news, I knew we were screwed," Haworth said as he drove a boat filled with thousands of pounds of fish toward home. "We were all like, 'What the hell is going on?'"

Wholesale buyers who had agreed to buy the fish reneged, he said. Haworth was grateful people were lining up — keeping a safe distance apart, of course. The fishermen were also offering home deliveries.

For the past few years, boats have been allowed to sell from the downtown dock on Saturdays as part of a large farmer's market. Haworth hopes the city will allow the dockside market to stay open regularly during the lockdown.

Local fish advocate Tommy Gomes, known as Tommy the Fishmonger, was helping with the impromptu fish market at the city's G street dock, allowing only about a dozen people on the dock at a time. "Wholesalers are stuck with all this fish and they're not taking more, so fishermen are in a tight spot," he said. "This stuff doesn't get better with age, like beef."

Jim Silveira, also a third-generation fisherman and owner of Chula Seafood, said one fishermen already had to dump $80,000 worth of squid overboard.

He fears boats will stop going out, crews will be laid off, and when the governor's shelter-in-place order is lifted, it'll take months to get the supply back.

Silveira was helping a vessel that pulled up to his dockside fish shop in Chula Vista, south of San Diego, with 35,000 pounds (15,875 kilograms) of tuna. They decided to package most of what would normally be sold locally and fly it to other states like Florida and Texas.

Wholesaler Dave Rudie of Catalina Offshore bought from another boat with 30,000 pounds (13,600 kilograms), though his restaurant sales have plummeted. He's offering it to the public for $7.99 a pound at his warehouse.

"I made a commitment to the boat, so I bought the fish and am doing the best I can to still pay fishermen, but it is a challenge, for sure," he said. "These are strange and unusual times. But I do see some future: We all have to eat."

Julie Watson / AP
NASA Image of the Day: Denman Glacier in East Antarctica
Denman Glacier in East Antarctica
This photograph shows ripples in the surface of Denman Glacier in East Antarctica that throw shadows against the ice.

March 26, 2020
U.S. Unemployment Soars by 3.2 million: How the Coronavirus Jobs Crisis is Hurting One American City

Just a few weeks ago, things were looking up for Gabrielle Gregory. The Charlotte, NC resident was settling into life with her one-year-old child and saving to buy a house. Her union had just secured a pay raise for her and her fellow food and beverage employees working at Charlotte Douglas International Airport.

In a matter of days, all of that crumbled. As the nation slowly woke up to the reality of the coronavirus, Gregory lost her job as a cook at HMS Host, one of more than 800 people laid off by the airport food services company in Charlotte. Her son's daycare closed. Her partner, who also worked at the airport, lost his job as well, leaving the family to eat into savings. "They laid us off out the blue," she says. "We're just trying to figure out where our next paycheck is going to come from."

Gregory's situation mirrors that of the city she lives in. In recent years, Charlotte has ranked as one of the most attractive cities for new businesses and over the last decade the region has boasted economic growth that has outpaced the rest of the country. But the coronavirus hit has been sharp. Last week, nearly 50,000 people filed for unemployment across the state and stories abound from locals being unable to complete online unemployment forms and waiting on hold for hours to talk to someone at the North Carolina Division of Employment Security. "The unemployment claims system is overloaded," says MaryBe McMillan, president of the North Carolina AFL-CIO.

Charlotte looks much like the country at large. Figures released on March 26 by the Department of Labor show that nearly 3.3 million people across the country filed for unemployment benefits over the previous week, far exceeding the 665,000 filed at the height of the Great Recession in March 2009. That may be the tip of the iceberg. Unemployment in North Carolina could reach 150,000 in the coming weeks as the country stumbles into a recession, according to Mike Walden, an economist at North Carolina State University. "This is still not as bad as the Great Recession," he says. "But the uncertainty is greater."

And it certainly could be as bad—or worse. Experts say nationwide the unemployment rate could peak as high as 30% in the coming weeks as economic activity declines precipitously across the country.

In Charlotte, the early suffering has centered largely on the hospitality industry, which employs 13% of North Carolina's workforce. Last week, the state ordered restaurants and bars to close for in-person dining. Meanwhile, hotel bookings evaporated and flights to the local airport, a significant hub for American Airlines, were cancelled, delivering a big hit to the city's $7-billion tourism sector.

"This has been the hardest week of my professional career," says Lynn Minges, CEO of the North Carolina Restaurant & Lodging Association. "We've known about coronavirus for quite some time, but I don't think any of expected the tsunami that has come upon us."

The challenges have led to a flurry of innovative efforts to keep cash flowing. Restaurants have scrambled to offer innovative take-out offerings, using social media and email blasts to customers to ask them for their support. At the Dilworth Grille, just outside Charlotte's city center, a sign was posted in all caps telling passersby to "support local" and "order takeout." The list of upcoming live music events on the Facebook page of Music Everywhere, an initiative to support the city's local music industry, has been replaced by a list of local livestreams that accept donations and optional contributions. "A lot of people are innovating right now in our backyard," says Tariq Bokhari, a member of Charlotte's city council.

Many in the city have looked to some of the big corporations headquartered in the region for support. A long list of Charlotte-headquartered companies—including Lowe's, Bank of America and Lending Tree—donated $1 million each to meet the needs of people hurt by coronavirus.

Even some of the biggest companies in the region face tough times. Charlotte-based Honeywell, for instance, told employees that they would be required to take two weeks of unpaid leave amid mounting financial challenges. The company also cut pay for executives. Nearly two thirds of business leaders surveyed by the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance said they were concerned about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on sales and more than 20% said their business could not last more than a month with no new sales. "The biggest takeaway right now is the uncertainty, regardless of how big you are, how small you are, what industry you're in," says Janet LaBar, CEO of the Alliance. "We're going to see businesses downsizing."

All of this is of little comfort to local workers who are just trying to put food on the table. And, while the state government has loosened rules on who qualifies for unemployment, North Carolina ranks among the least unionized states in the U.S. and has been criticized for poor worker protection laws. "What this crisis has done is expose the real holes in our safety net," says McMillan.

Gregory, like Charlotte's business leaders, says one of the biggest challenges is uncertainty. The food service worker says her company's communications about the layoffs were unclear, and she doesn't know if she might be able to return to her job if things pick back up. Whether looking to her employer or to government officials, Gregory says she just wants more information so she can plan.

"There needs to be more things in place going forward, like how we really gonna attack this issue?" she says. "At this time, I don't know if it's short term or long term."

Justin Worland
Twelve U.S. states generate more than 30% of their electricity from nuclear power
Twelve U.S. states generate more than 30% of their electricity from nuclear power
Nuclear power plants play an important role in U.S. electricity generation, consistently providing about 20% of total annual generation. Of the 30 U.S. states with operating commercial nuclear power plants, 12 states generated more than 30% of their electricity from nuclear power.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2020
1 BTC equals 6891.8301 USD

As of March 25, 2020 at 10:50PM, 1 BTC equals 6891.8301 USD.

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NYT Technology: Lawmakers Question Start-Ups on At-Home Kits for Coronavirus Testing
Lawmakers Question Start-Ups on At-Home Kits for Coronavirus Testing
The makers of unauthorized kits designed for consumers to collect their own saliva or throat swabs faced scrutiny from Congress.

more @ New York Times
NASA Image of the Day: Tracking Methane Sources and Movement Around the Globe
Tracking Methane Sources and Movement Around the Globe
NASA's new three-dimensional portrait of methane concentrations shows the world's second largest contributor to greenhouse warming.

March 25, 2020
Lower compensation rates for residential solar PV generation could reduce overall adoption
Lower compensation rates for residential solar PV generation could reduce overall adoption
Electric utilities in some states have recently changed their policies regarding how they compensate electricity generation from solar photovoltaic (PV) systems installed on residential customers' homes. An Issues in Focus article published as part of the U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2020 (AEO2020) discusses the potential effects of alternative utility rate structures for compensating residential solar PV generation.

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NYT Technology: The Dos and Don’ts of Online Video Meetings
The Dos and Don'ts of Online Video Meetings
Do your co-workers really need to make their pets or toddlers part of the call? No.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2020
NYT Technology: Facebook Is ‘Just Trying to Keep the Lights On’ as Traffic Soars in Pandemic
Facebook Is 'Just Trying to Keep the Lights On' as Traffic Soars in Pandemic
The social network is straining to deal with skyrocketing usage as its 45,000 employees work from home for the first time.

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1 BTC equals 6787.6899 USD

As of March 24, 2020 at 10:50PM, 1 BTC equals 6787.6899 USD.

Register PIVOT to get BTC Bonus:PIVOT is a community for cryptocurrency investors. 
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NASA Image of the Day: Astronaut Christina Koch Services a 3-D Biological Printer
Astronaut Christina Koch Services a 3-D Biological Printer
Christina Koch handles media bags that enable the manufacturing of organ-like tissues using the BioFabrication Facility (BFF), a 3-D biological printer on the International Space Station.

March 24, 2020
European natural gas storage inventories are at record-high levels at the end of winter
European natural gas storage inventories are at record-high levels at the end of winter
European natural gas storage inventories as of March 1, 2020, were 60% full-the highest ever recorded level for the start of March, according to Gas Storage Europe's Aggregated Gas Storage Inventory (AGSI+). European stock levels for both January and February 2020 were the highest ever recorded for those months. Europe's high levels of natural gas in storage are the result of a mild winter, which limited winter heating demand, and growing natural gas imports by pipeline and as liquefied natural gas (LNG).

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NYT Technology: Start-Ups Jump the Gun on Home Kits for Coronavirus Testing
Start-Ups Jump the Gun on Home Kits for Coronavirus Testing
After a federal warning, companies have stopped marketing kits that let consumers collect their own saliva or throat swabs and send them to labs.

more @ New York Times
Monday, March 23, 2020
NYT Technology: The Coronavirus Revives Facebook as a News Powerhouse
The Coronavirus Revives Facebook as a News Powerhouse
More than half of all news consumption on Facebook in America is about the virus, according to an internal report.

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NYT Technology: Trump Administration Gives Apple More Tariff Relief
Trump Administration Gives Apple More Tariff Relief
Trade officials approved the company's request to remove tariffs on the Apple Watch.

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NYT Technology: There Is a Racial Divide in Speech-Recognition Systems, Researchers Say
There Is a Racial Divide in Speech-Recognition Systems, Researchers Say
Technology from Amazon, Apple, Google, IBM and Microsoft misidentified 35 percent of words from people who were black. White people fared much better.

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1 BTC equals 5810.98 USD

As of March 23, 2020 at 10:50PM, 1 BTC equals 5810.98 USD.

Register PIVOT to get BTC Bonus:PIVOT is a community for cryptocurrency investors. 
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NYT Technology: Big Tech Could Emerge From Coronavirus Crisis Stronger Than Ever
Big Tech Could Emerge From Coronavirus Crisis Stronger Than Ever
Amazon is hiring aggressively to meet customer demand. Traffic has soared on Facebook and YouTube. And cloud computing has become essential to home workers.

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NASA Image of the Day: Viewing Our Galactic Center
Viewing Our Galactic Center
The central region of our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains an exotic collection of objects.

March 23, 2020
China's crude oil imports surpassed 10 million barrels per day in 2019
China's crude oil imports surpassed 10 million barrels per day in 2019
China's annual crude oil imports in 2019 increased to an average of 10.1 million barrels per day (b/d), an increase of 0.9 million b/d from the 2018 average. China remains the world's top crude oil importer, surpassing the United States in 2017. China's new refinery capacity and strategic inventory stockpiling, combined with flat domestic oil production, were the major factors contributing to the increase in China's crude oil imports in 2019.

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NYT Technology: As Coronavirus Surveillance Escalates, Personal Privacy Plummets
As Coronavirus Surveillance Escalates, Personal Privacy Plummets
Tracking entire populations to combat the pandemic now could open the doors to more invasive forms of government snooping later.

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Sunday, March 22, 2020
1 BTC equals 6290.5698 USD

As of March 22, 2020 at 10:50PM, 1 BTC equals 6290.5698 USD.

Register PIVOT to get BTC Bonus:PIVOT is a community for cryptocurrency investors. 
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Emirates, One of the World’s Biggest Airlines, Halts All Passenger Flights Over COVID-19

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — One of the world's biggest airlines, Emirates, said it was suspending all passenger flights starting Wednesday. It's a pivotal move that reflects the dramatic slowdown in traffic through the airline's hub in Dubai, the world's busiest international airport, due to disruptions caused by the coronavirus.

The state-owned carrier stressed in a statement on Sunday it will continue to operate cargo flights through its fleet of Boeing 777 freighters for the transport of essential goods, including medical supplies across the world. It also said the company would reduce salaries for the majority of its employees for three months, but will not cut jobs.

Airlines around the world are struggling to cover their costs and pay salaries with their fleets grounded and countries shutting their borders to travelers.

In the Middle East, airlines have lost more than $7 billion in revenue as of March 11, according to the International Air Transport Association. The group says 16,000 passenger flights have been cancelled in the Middle East since the end of January.

In a statement released Sunday, Emirates said it tried to maintain passenger flights "for as long as feasible" to help travelers return home amidst all the travel bans, restrictions, and lockdowns.

Emirates Group CEO and Chairman Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum described the situation as "an unprecedented crisis" and said "the world has literally gone into quarantine" due to the virus and the illness it causes called COVID-19, which has infected more than 300,000 people around the world.

The United Arab Emirates, which is home to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, has all but closed its borders to travelers with exceptions for those transiting through or Emirates returning.

Al Maktoum said the company was doing well financially at the start of the year, but that the virus "has brought all that to a sudden and painful halt over the past six weeks."

"We find ourselves in a situation where we cannot viably operate passenger services until countries re-open their borders and travel confidence returns," he said.

The company, which also operates an airport ground services company called dnata at locations around the world, had already urged employees to take paid and unpaid leave.

To save costs further, it said it was temporarily reducing the basic salaries of the majority of Emirates Group employees for three months, with cuts ranging from 25-50%.

The company said employees will continue to be paid other allowances during this time. Junior-level employees would be exempt from the basic salary reduction. The president of Emirates, Tim Clark, and the president of dnata, Gary Chapman, will take a full basic salary cut for three months.

"We want to avoid cutting jobs. When demand picks up again, we also want to be able to quickly ramp up and resume services for our customers," Al Maktoum said.

Emirates posted profits in its most recent fiscal year of $237 million, down from $762 million the year before. The airline's aggressive expansion and growth helped transform its hub at Dubai International Airport into the world's busiest for international passengers. Emirates carried around 58 million passengers last year.

Saturday, March 21, 2020
‘My Fear, I Have to Put It Away.’ Coronavirus Job Opportunities Put Workers on the Front Lines of the Epidemic

Vincent Diaz, 38, has lived his whole life in Flatbush, Brooklyn, but he can't remember his city ever being this quiet. "Even when you see people, the energy is different," he says. Diaz lost his bartending job after New York Mayor Bill de Blasio ordered bars and restaurants to switch to takeout and delivery only. The overall mood in his neighborhood is somber amid what's essentially a shelter-in-place order. "Nobody is smiling and happy, even on sunny days," he says. "There's always this sense of dread hanging in the air."

As companies shutter and the economy grinds to a halt, Diaz is just one of the many thousands of Americans who have been, or are in danger of being, laid off amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Aside from the hospitality industry, massive layoffs are expected in travel, manufacturing, and more. Some experts are predicting that the unemployment rate — which had been functionally nil before this crisis — could climb as high as 20%, an unprecedented figure in the modern era.

But even as the nation's automakers stop building cars, airlines park most of their fleets and stadiums shut their doors, other companies are staffing up in a big way. Facing a crushing surge in demand, companies that provide "essential" services like grocery stores and delivery firms are urgently seeking temporary help. Amazon is adding 100,000 new full-time and part-time positions to keep up with a surge in online shopping. Walmart has announced it will hire 150,000 new associates. Kroger, a grocer, is hiring 10,000 new employees nationwide, while Safeway is bringing on more than 2,000. Fittingly, some of the job postings read more like calls to war than hiring notices. "We are currently experiencing a monumental surge in our sales & foot traffic," read a March 13 letter from Costco management seeking temporary worker referrals from staff.

But many of the jobs being created amid the pandemic involve working at the front lines of the crisis. For those who grab hold of one of these economic lifelines, it could mean putting themselves and their loved ones at risk of contracting the potentially deadly illness. "It would be a calculated risk," says Diaz, who's trying to find a job before he burns through his four months worth of savings. As he sees it, we'll all need people willing to expose themselves to danger to keep the rest of us going. "We need each other more than ever nowadays, and I think there's going to have to be somebody, a lot of somebodies, who are going to be willing to go out there and engage."

Like Diaz, Liliana Hernandez, a 42-year-old housekeeper, is also taking that risk. Her employer, the Fairmont Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica, told her to stop coming to work this week after bookings dried up. Her husband, a restaurant worker, recently lost his job as well. The couple has just two months' worth of savings to support themselves and their teenage son. "Everybody is panicking," says Hernandez, who's going to try to find a job at a grocery store. "I'm concerned about getting infected or something like that, but we have to go on and continue to work. My fear, I have to put it away."

Many others, including the 78% of American workers who live paycheck-to-paycheck, have even less cushion. "As a single mother, I don't know what I'm going to do," says Mélissa St Hilaire, 37, a home healthcare worker in Miami. She was asked to stay home starting Friday, but she only has enough money to get her family through next week. "I don't know how long it's going to take," she says of the pandemic. "I'm just here waiting."

The businesses that are hiring are largely doing their best to keep employees safe and vital services flowing, though no strategy is foolproof. John DeCicco Jr., co-owner of New York supermarket chain DeCicco & Sons, has brought on about 100 additional employees to meet demand, including many laid off from a friend's restaurant food supplier. Among other measures, he's limiting his stores to 30-40% the normal occupancy rates, sanitizing regularly, and providing customers and employees with gloves. "They're on the front line, so you've gotta protect them," DeCicco says. He's also given employees two weeks of paid sick leave, in addition to their normal sick and personal days. "They'll take care of the customers as long as we take care of them," says DeCicco of his workers. "That's our philosophy, and that's what we're trying to do."

Others are under even more pressure. Caleb Ferling, co-owner of Seattle-area commercial cleaner Cleanstart, recently hired 20 new employees to meet surging demand as clients seek to clean their potentially contaminated offices. He outfits his workers in full personal protective equipment, including respirators and biohazard suits, when they go out on a COVID-19 cleaning job. But he's running out of essential supplies like disinfectant, and says he'll have to let workers go if he can't find more. "We probably have enough for maybe a handful more jobs, and then we're done, we're out," Ferling says.

Companies in other, "safer" sectors are also staffing up. As Americans suddenly find themselves depending more than ever on technology platforms for work and entertainment, listings for temporary tech jobs rose through the end of February into March, according to data from employment marketplace ZipRecruiter. "Tech companies are seeing a surge in demand for their services and their technologies," says ZipRecruiter labor economist Julia Pollak. "They're seeing kinds of demand that they really didn't plan for." Non-tech companies are also beefing up their IT departments as they scramble to move operations online to keep employees home.

Still, these hirings are hardly likely to offset the sobering losses in other areas. And for those without technology expertise, jobs requiring engagement with large numbers of people, some of whom could potentially be infected, may be the only way to survive, even as officials urge people to stay home as much as possible.


Even when some degree of normality begins to return, the economic effects of all this will reverberate for years. "Personally I'm expecting a big spike in unemployment, because I think there's going to be a big drop in spending," says Richard Rogerson, an economist at Princeton University. He points out that, even if people find a way to survive the financial fallout from the pandemic, their employers may not. "What you would like is, everyone just goes back to their job," says Rogerson, about the post-health crisis period. "But what if some of those businesses don't exist anymore?"

For now, there are a variety of efforts afoot to help laid-off workers make ends meet in the short term. Massive new relief legislation from Washington may help. In the meantime, workers are banding together. The National Domestic Workers Alliance and UNITE HERE, a union representing hotel, gaming, food service and other employees, are launching relief funds to help the hardest hit, for instance. Other ad-hoc efforts, like donation-based freelancer and creative emergency funds, could also help. Efforts like these suggest that those who are able are finding ways to help people in need. "There's a lot of vulnerable people out there," says Diaz, the bartender. "It's going to be up to us normal folks to step in and do what's right."

Alejandro de la Garza and Tara Law