YouTube is the most popular site to visit for viewing online videos, sharing your favourite videos with people and commenting on videos you like. Recently YouTube was acquired by Google for a few billion dollars. Here is a collection of several YouTube third party tools which enhance your YouTube experience.
YouTube Userscripts - a collection of scripts to perform several tasks with YouTube.
fTube - a YouTube player that downloads the list of 25 most recent videos featured on the YouTube front page. The user can select a video from the list and hit the play button to play it in-Flash.
iTube - grab Youtube videos, then convert and import them into iTunes. Requires .Net framework and works exclusively on Windows.
PodTube - a Mac OS X program, downloads, encodes, and adds YouTube videos to your iTunes library but requires Safari to fetch the videos.
TvTube - For Mac users. Allows you to browse YouTube, Google Video and Yahoo Videos, for movie clips that people upload, choose your favorite clips and add them to your shared library.
YouTube API - XML Feed Ripper - PHP script that taps into the YouTube API to deliver videos by tag, by username or what’s a current favorite.
YouTube Widget - brings all of YouTubes videos to your Mac Dashboard.
Search The Tube - A quick way to find videos for your website, blog or profile.
WordPress Related Videos Plugin - Uses tags to look for related videos on YouTube, displays the three most recent related videos on your WordPress blog post and updates videos automatically.
Wordpress Favourite YouTube Videos - Wordpress plugin / widget to display, in a very configurable manner, your latest favorite videos from Youtube.
Viper’s Video Quicktags - WP plugin that easily generates codes for copy / pasting to embed videos from sites like YouTube and Google Video or for self-hosted videos into your posts.
WP-FLV - Wordpress plugin simplfies the process of inserting flash video files (FLV) inside a Wordpress post or page.
TubePress - a highly configurable WordPress plugin that displays YouTube videos in an embedded gallery in posts and/or pages.
Download and Save YouTube Videos
Video Downloader - a firefox extension that allows you to download videos to your computer from YouTube and most video sites.
YouTubeX - allows you to save and download YouTube videos easily using only your IE or firefox browser.
TubeSock - grabs YouTube videos from the web and copies them to your video iPod, Mac, or PlayStation Portable.
VideoDL - is a quick AJAX application that allows you to download online video into your computer. It supports top 3 video sites - YouTube, Google Video, and