HYIP-Man: Sabayon Linux 5.2 Released
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sabayon Linux 5.2 Released

SabayonFabio Erculiani has announced the release of Sabayon Linux 5.2, a Gentoo-based desktop Linux distribution with GNOME/KDE and with a custom (binary) package manager: "The best, refined blend of GNU/Linux, coming with bleeding edge edges, is eventually here. Say hello to Sabayon Five-point-Twoh, available in both GNOME and KDE editions. Dedicated to those who like cutting-edge stability, out-of-the-box experience, outstanding desktop performance and beauty. You will find outstanding amount of new applications and features, like XBMC 9.11, KDE 4.4.1, GNOME 2.28. Features: based on new GCC 4.4.1 and glibc 2.10; shipped with desktop-optimized Linux kernel 2.6.33; installable in 10 minutes; faster boot time and lightweight default system...." Read the rest of the release announcement for additional details. Download the GNOME (G) or KDE (K) edition from here: Sabayon_Linux_5.2_x86_G.iso (1,680MB, MD5, torrent), Sabayon_Linux_5.2_x86_K.iso (1,944MB, MD5, torrent), Sabayon_Linux_5.2_amd64_G.iso (1,791MB, MD5, torrent), Sabayon_Linux_5.2_amd64_K.iso (2,038MB, MD5, torrent).