HYIP-Man: EIA projects U.S. biofuel production to slowly increase through 2050
Monday, March 09, 2020
EIA projects U.S. biofuel production to slowly increase through 2050
EIA projects U.S. biofuel production to slowly increase through 2050
The U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2020 (AEO2020) projects that U.S. biofuel production will slowly grow through 2050, primarily driven by economic and policy factors. In the Reference case, which reflects current laws and regulations, biofuels production in 2050 is 18% higher than 2019 levels. However, in a side case with higher global crude oil prices, biofuels such as fuel ethanol and biodiesel are increasingly consumed as substitutes for petroleum products, resulting in 55% growth in biofuels production in 2050 in that case.

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