HYIP-Man: Bidvertiser Add RSS Advertising
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Bidvertiser Add RSS Advertising
a new way to monetize your RSS/ATOM feeds - BidVertiser Ads for Feeds:

Now you can display the BidVertiser CPC ads in your feeds, as well as get access to our various multiple-subscription Feed Widgets that will help you publicize your new feed.Here is how it works:

1. Login to your publisher account and click "Add New BidVertiser". During the Public Beta, you may also click the "Public Beta" link. If you are new to BidVertiser, click here to create a publisher account.
2. Make sure you are under the BidVertiser for your Feed tab.
3. Provide your feed URL and title and click Next.
4. Verify your feed ownership by adding a temporary post with a unique verification code we provide you with.
5. Choose your favorite multiple-subscription Feed Widget and add it to your website or blog. Detail instructions for each of the major blog platforms is provided as part of the process.

You're done!

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